September 19, 2008

a great source of fun

The girls and I made our own play-do yesterday and I am so happy with how it turned out! I had never made it before and always thought it would be a big pain, but it was really easy and fun. I quadrupled the recipe and then split the final result into four sections so that we could make four different colors. Luckily I had lots of food coloring on hand (the result of ambitious baking ideas that never come to fruition LOL) and the girls each picked two colors.

Add rolling pins, cookie cutters, knives, forks, pizza cutter and you have (so far) hours of fun! Seriously I think they have spent a total of four hours over the last two days playing with the stuff and really just mostly being quiet but also being creative and playing and talking together. It's been really enjoyable for me as well and I've been able to focus on other things that I need to get done while they are happy and not bugging me.

Okay, and you have to see how tiny my girl is! See that shirt she is wearing above? Check it:

Yeah, that was taken during Marah's second Christmas. She is 1 year and three months old in this photo. And you know what? She is also wearing those exact same jeans today as well! They came with a large cuff sewn in, so I just let them out so her waist size is very close to the same, she's just gotten taller.

And then I found this:

Bwahahaha! I have quite a few shots of Marah looking like this actually :) Nice huh?

Anyway, I was just thinking that this is how small Alex will be for his first Christmas. It's kinda neat that Alex and Marah will share birthdays so close to one another. Then I can compare how they look at certain holidays and stuff like that. I don't know, I just thought that was cool.

Okay, gotta run!


  1. you know what's even weirder? that avenged sevenfold shirt i'm wearing still fits me too.

  2. I think you bought the shirt EXTRA BIG expecting her to grow into it.

    Ditto for Eric.

    Looks like fun but tell Jenna and Marah to save some for Papa.


  3. you should have given them steak knives.

    roger 5?


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