January 12, 2012

I saw this idea

I read an article in Good Housekeeping today about journaling. I thought it was really interesting and I would like to try to do it but I don't know if I can. I'm too wordy. Oh right, the idea! This lady said that she journals just one sentence a day. Every day. Just one sentence.

So, like I said, I don't think I can do just one sentence EVERY day. Some days will need more words. But I like the idea of not feeling pressured to write a novel every time I post. Not feeling like I HAVE to include photos every time I post. Those things take time and my days are already so full. However I do need to be better about writing things down and really, who is this blog for if not for me? It is mostly for me and my family. I want to print out my blogs in books one of these days and have them as keepsakes for my family. Lately though, I have just been getting worse and worse about posting. Going a month or more at a time without any news is just not the way to keep track of what's going on. So I think I am going to try to make this change. Just one sentence a day. More if I have time or am motivated to do so. No worries about pictures. Post them when I have time. But at least one sentence each day.

This is my goal for 2012. There. I finally made a goal for the new year. :)


  1. I've also thought about printing out my blog as a keepsake for the family. What a wonderful thing to be able to go back and see when they are all grown up! Love the idea of journaling one sentence a day. I think I could get on board with that!


  2. I too have given thought to printing my blogs... especially since I've really fallen off the scrapbook wagon! I used to be exactly a year behind (so in the same season, just one year ago) and now its been SEVEN years! I'm sure you could do just ONE sentence a day to ,for the record... it just may have to be a run-on sentence every now and again!


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