February 28, 2010
Monday Musings
February 25, 2010
February 22, 2010
Not surprised at all
February 20, 2010
Do You Observe Lent?
Today I have been browsing the web, looking at homeschooling blogs, trying to figure out what direction to take our school and hoping to find some semblance of schedule, sanity, and follow-through. Anyway, I stumbled upon this post just now that I wanted to share.
I have thought about observing Lent for the last few years but have never followed through with it because I figured it pretty much had to be about giving up some kind of food indulgence and I wasn't wanting to deal with that (kinda pathetic, I know). Anyway, this year I took the advice of a pastor and really prayed about what I should give up in order to draw nearer to God and felt compelled to give up my daily (ahem... hourly) dose of Facebook. So that is my sacrifice for this time of Lent. I'm hoping that the following daily emails will be a part of my intended time with Jesus. So if you feel inclined, sign up. It's free :)
Stop. Take a deep breath. Reflect…it’s Lent.
Since the earliest days of the church, Christians have prepared for Easter by observing Lent. Lent is much more than a time to give up unhealthy foods or bad habits; it’s an opportunity to unplug from our regular patterns,look truthfully at ourselves, and approach God with repentance and gratitude.
This year, we invite you to take the time to deepen your understanding of God’s love by reflecting on Dr. Larry Crabb’s new book, 66 Love Letters: A Conversation with God that Invites You into His Story.
Sign up for this free service and you will receive, by email, a short reading for reflection every day during Lent’s forty days. *
*Haven’t observed Lent before? It is the forty-day period before Easter (not including Sundays) beginning on Ash Wednesday. This year Ash Wednesday is February 17 and Easter Sunday is April 4. The earliest Christians, during the apostolic era, understood Lent as an opportunity to refocus their lives, withdraw from usual practices, and draw closer to Christ.
We invite you to deepen your understanding of the joy of Easter by observing a prayerful and reflective Lent. Click the link below to receive daily emails during Lent containing passages from Dr. Crabb’s new book to help you focus your thoughts and begin your own conversations with God. Emails will begin on February 17. (We value your privacy as much as ours and will not sell or share your contact information–ever.)