current time: 3:26 p.m.
in my belly: a bunch of baby ;) I've got cinnamon rolls coming my way in a few minutes though.
in my ears: Oh. What's a Girl to Do? by
Annie Bethancourt (check her out, very cute)
out the window: thick blankets of snow and bare trees, a few dried leaves that didn't want to let go.
in the works: hopefully more blogging, also several silhouette orders I'm finishing up
watching now: This week Eric and I started up Arrested Development for the fourth or fifth time. We watch it in the bedroom after the kids are in bed and catch new hidden jokes every time through. We love that show. Also enjoying the new seasons of Spartacus and Portlandia as well as the second half of The Walking Dead. It's getting good again!
by my bedside: humidifier, tissues, water bottles, all that stuff you need when you're sick.
good things: watching the kids enjoy the snow without worrying that they're going to get hit by a car, Eric getting a new job, feeling hope for the first time in awhile, Alex telling me he likes my butt, Alex wanting to hold me, Jenna helping out with meals and fetching things and dressing Alex when I am in a lot of pain, my in-laws taking the kids to Grand Forks which give me at least a 5 hour break, making smoothies every day so that I can drink up some nutrition, finding blogs that inspire me, discovering new curriculum options that I hadn't known about, visiting Anna, Naomi, and Sam, hearing baby girl's heart beat, visiting Heather, Grace, and Abagale, visiting Elizabeth (was that this week or last week) and seeing how much Shamus has grown, all the hugs and kisses
icky things: the antibiotic I took for an infection led to another infection and a different antibiotic, that same antibiotic also gave me a terrible taste side effect that can last for up to a month afterward, my pelvic pain (which has persisted since about week 9 of this pregnancy) has gotten much worse and walking is becoming a real struggle, this means laundry is not getting done because I have to walk up and down the stairs several times and carry things (need to teach the girls how to do laundry. I've procrastinated and now I'm regretting that), another cold has hit me, wet winter gear everywhere, Eric left for his new job and we can't join him until appropriate housing opens up, missing Eric
the love list:
my amazing brother being recognized for his efforts: