April 24, 2010

Still Doing It

We're taking the Outdoor Challenge! Are you? Learn more at 5 Orange Potatoes.

Yeah, I haven't forgotten about the challenge! We're still doing it, and doing well! It has taken some real determination on my part some days because I just really prefer to not have to chase Alex everywhere out there, but I'm making myself do it AND I'm enjoying it. :)

So here is a quick recap of the last few days:

Wednesday, April 21-
We all went outside (except Alex, who was napping) to help Marah learn to ride her bike without training wheels. I'm determined that she will be done with those by the end of Spring. She's not taking to it quite as well as Jenna did, but she's making progress. Her biggest obstacle is getting the bike started, but once she gets going she has balance and can do it on her own, just not for very long. We're practicing in the grass until she gets the hang of it.

So very proud.

Daddy helps out (LOVE)

There she goes!

Thursday, April 22-
Because it was Earth Day I was determined to not only get outside but to teach the girls about being good helpers of the Earth so we all went to a local park and the girls picked up garbage. They got lucky because this park is clearly already well cared for and there wasn't much garbage, but I've decided that we will make this a regular part of our outdoor activity and I'm aiming for once a week. Our neighborhood is so littered with garbage! The whole city just gets really dirty during winter and once the snow melts it looks so terrible. So we'll be working on that.

At the Japanese Friendship Garden.

Daddy chewing his nails, as usual!

Such good little helpers!

Friday, April 23-
After Eric left for the weekend and I dropped Jenna off for a sleepover and Girl Scout event, I took the little ones home and we played outside for a good hour in the evening. We saw some moths and HUGE bumblebees (?) and just had a good time simply playing. It doesn't always have to be something special. Sometimes the best moments are just doing what comes naturally and enjoying some quality time outdoors with your family.

He's a tree hugger already!

Lovin' this Freecycle score!

Today (Saturday) Marah is at a birthday party and Alex and I are planning to join her after naptime. If we don't get any outside time while we're there then I think we'll do a nighttime walk after we get home from picking up Jenna from Girl Scouts. I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as I can. On Sunday we'll be heading out to my sister-in-law and her husband's farm where we'll have plenty of outdoor play and probably a barbeque. Should be a great weekend!

Make each day count!


  1. ash this is rad!

    wish i had kids to do outdoor day with! gotta work on that whole finding a wife thing one of these days i suppose

  2. You have the cutest kids on Earth! Marah looks like you a bit in these photos. Alex is too adorable.


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